Friday, September 30, 2011

Three People

I've been trying to get out and experience people, because I've spent too much time not doing it. This is the story of one day I spent doing so.

Well, God has me learning the lesson of being sent to help people. It's a very important lesson, particularly for someone who wants to do the things that I want to do. So today I left the house, without plans to go anywhere in particular. Almost as soon as i pulled out onto reynolds i saw this homeless person across the street. they were acting odd, leaning up against a pole, appearing distressed. And it was as if God tapped me on the shoulder and said "Go help that person." i swung into a nearby mcdonalds parking lot, and there watched them for a minute or two. I'll say now that it was a woman, though I really couldn't tell, that was embarrassing. Anyway, after watching her for a bit, and struggling with my cynical side which claimed that this person was probably a drug addict and would ask me for money to get a fix, I decided to just go and see about the matter myself. I walked across the empty parking lot where southwyck used to be. When i got closer she asked if I could help her, I replied that perhaps i could. She wanted help pushing her two shopping carts full of stuff for a ways. I helped her push them down to walgreens, which was a little over a block. It had seemed at first like she was distressed, when i watched her from a distance she wasn't really moving, perhaps she'd given up, i don't know. But anyway, along the way we got on the subject of God. She said she doesn't have anything in life, but her and God walking together all along the way. we had a delightful talk, and I tried to comfort her as best as i could. It seems i was successful, I like to think that I gave her the courage to face another day. But in a way i received something too, the courage to be sent into the lives of others, and the belief that it works out. She said when she saw me walking toward her across the parking lot, it was like God said "There's someone who will help you push your carts." And to me that's truly amazing, a small miracle in itself, that He was working on both ends. I just wish I could have done more.

Her name was Christy, and she's the first of the three people I met today.

The second was a college student named Katie. I met her at georgette's grounds & gifts. She was there with her 3yo daughter and another baby. We happened to be together in line, and i had my most recent painting with me. She saw it and asked if it was my work, i told her it was. So we got into this conversation about art, which was really great and interesting. She's a student at owens, pursuing a degree in art education. She's actually working on a project right now that's supposed to be textured. So she wanted to know some of my techniques. I explained a few ideas and mediums i used, like potpourri, hot glue, and candle wax. She was particularly intrigued by candle wax, and said she'd never thought of it before. I explained how you got me started painting, just doing it to experiment, see what it becomes. I think that's why I've been satisfied with my work, because each piece has been an experience and a discovery. So, i encouraged her to just experiment more, play around and see what the piece becomes. Katie said she doesn't do that very much. Hopefully, this will encourage her to really try out and discover her own style and niche. We wished each other well in our future artistic endeavors, and parted ways.

So that's the second of three people I met today. Slightly less spiritual than the first, but altogether a good human experience. It gives me hope every time i meet another good person. Just to get out there, and experience people.

After leaving the coffee shop I walked the streets of the maumee village area. it was a sunny day, with wind, the weather was really perfect. a few blocks from the main street i found this large church, think it was Presbyterian, and one of the doors was cracked open. Something told me to go inside, so i did. Within, i heard voices, so i walked down a hallway to a flight of stairs. i ran into this guy, told him i didn't mean to intrude but that their door was open. He was very friendly, introduced himself as Morris. he asked if i was looking for a home church, i explained that i wasn't. I told him how i believe that one should be a member at the church that God puts them in, he agreed. We had a lovely conversation about God, salvation, different beliefs. It was really cool.

He explained how large churches, such as those with thousands of members, are really meant to draw in people who are not living correct spiritual lives and walking after Christ. And that the ideal is for them to come to the services simply as an introduction, and then become part of a smaller study group of people close to them or in their family, because in large groups there's no sense of accountability, or being a part of something. i had never thought about mega churches that way before. Of course,there are many who don't do that, and all they can do is offer it as an option. i guess its like with any church, there are those who really live it, and there are those who just float in from time to time and don't really get involved. but i hadn't realized before how a person could feel involved in a church that size. Of course, i still prefer what I've got, but it was an enlightening discussion. He also said that he knows of a few good southern baptist churches around here, and even offered to pick me up and take me to one if I wanted. I think i'll do that sometime. If nothing else, i might find a good place nearby to visit occasionally. As well as meet some good spiritual people that live close enough to socialize with regularly.

After i left there i went down through a grass field to a trail by the river that i had discovered a few days ago but never really walked. once again, it was a beautiful day, and there were many little offturns that went down by the water, stone benches to sit at and contemplate. the trail ended in less than a mile, at a small park with areas that poked out into a peninsula and overlooked the river. It was truly a beautiful little park, and a delight to discover. I actually said to myself "You just discovered Old Canal Park." lol, I'm such an elder scrolls nerd.

So that's the story of my day. It began with no real direction or intention, and ended up being quite a delight. Of course, I suspect that was all deliberate, even if I had no idea.