Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Giver

I had nothing, and i had everything. I was empty on the outside, and full on the inside. That is how i came into this world. I walked, i played, i did not consider. Life was a seashore, and I built castles by it, and broke them down. I cried, i laughed. and the Sea laughed and cried with me. My tears became a part of the Sea, and He never told me it was wrong to free them from myself.

I lost everything, but only for a second. I realized it was never mine. I realized i had no right, and now power to maintain it. In truth, i realized just what everything was, and realized i had to do something, i had to want to be part of it. So i did. Because my everything wanted to be part of me too. And once again i was as before, empty on the outside, full on the inside.

I watched the humans. Even as a child, their ways seemed strange to me. Because they wanted to be full on the outside. They wanted fullness and largeness and favor. And they wanted currency. So they got it. But they failed to realize the nature of currency, and that not all currency can be weighed in a balance or held in a measure. They never realized, that they were just trading for their currency. that every bit of it required something. Their careers, they had a cost. men would trade much for currency. their time, their love, their compassion, their ability to show weakness, their friendships. in the end, these humans would all end up the same, empty on the inside, full on the outside. But isn't that just the same as being empty completely? if a man no longer has himself, what does he have?

They told me, "You can't think like that. you have to dance, we hear music from the hands of our misguided fathers. and what can any of us do but follow? and dance the dance of our fathers, the dance of necessity, the dance of regret." Yes, they know it's wrong, they know where it will go. they know that there is no satisfaction in it. But they do it anyway. because they are still living in the shadow of their loss. they have not gained the confidence to realize that it is all theirs again.

Is there any child more foolish, than he who is adopted out of the boarding house by a king, and yet leaves the palace, and the feast, the the storehouse of riches, to go and beg for bread at the hand of the same cruel masters who so tormented him before? Who can blame them when they beat him? who can blame their mockery of him? for is he not a fool?

You have all forgotten. you came in empty on the outside, and full on the inside. And you had joy. Because Joy is not having, but giving. And that is why your Father loves you so. For without you, who is there to do the receiving?

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to let you know that I read this. For some reason I just now saw it. :S
