Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reality or Madness?

I have awakened to either a higher reality or a deeper madness. One thing is certain, the world is not enough. It's not good enough, not beautiful enough, not peaceful enough, not meaningful enough.

What can be done? How shall a man live like this? These thoughts are not new. These thoughts are not unique to me. I do not think so. But, this existence is intense, dramatic. And can easily become tragedy. I was nearly destroyed, it nearly destroyed me many times. Many have been broken by this existence, by these thoughts, this need to rise above. The asylums and mental health facilities are probably full of them. I know the risks, I'm familiar with what can happen, what almost did happen, many times. But by the grace of God, i push on. I learn, I grow, I move ahead and plunge ever deeper. If indeed this is madness, it's too late for me to be cured now. I do not think this is madness. I think this is perfect sanity.

Is life itself not mad? Is conventionality not madness?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Hasn't that been the practice of society of thousands of years? And yet we keep expecting the world to be a better place? Yet nobody does anything new. They don't try something new.

Where did these thoughts come from? Are they mine? I doubt I could have come up with all of this. It's too flawless. It's too well fit into Godly Truth. I can't find any ways that it conflicts. i can't find any seems. I'd like to, if they're there. But with this solidified idea in my mind, i can move forward.

Ah, but what is he talking about? I'd rather say in person.

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